September 8th, 2021
When Kara googled “mosquito control,” she clicked on a link and the popup said, “The way to get rid of mosquitoes in your yard is to prevent them from breeding.” It then told her to scatter coffee grounds around her front porch.
“I don’t think so,” she said, and then she called Budget Brothers Termite & Pest Elimination.
You may have heard it before: “We don’t have mosquitoes in Arizona.” That’s not exactly true, especially this year.
Our monsoon season is from July-September. Meteorologist Kim Quintero of 3TV says Phoenix has been having a particularly active Monsoon 2021. We’ve had more-than-usual rainfall in Maricopa County and The Valley. There’s been a lot of pooled rainwater. It becomes stagnant and then is the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes.
The Maricopa County Department of Environmental Services (MCDES) have put out about 800 traps every week since our mosquito problem began. They then collect a representative number of those traps and based on their findings, know which areas to fog.
Unfortunately, 184 of those traps tested positive for West Nile virus. If you’re like a lot of homeowners – especially parents – you want to set your own mosquito traps or have a professional treatment that targets your property.
A small, discarded water bottle cap holding standing water can breed hundreds of mosquitos, says Quintero. Most of us have pristine front yards but backyards are family playgrounds. They’re also where you’ll find more mosquitoes.
Do you enjoy gardening? Here are some fragrant plants that are natural mosquito-repellants:
…and more.
MCDES’ Backyard Checklist for Maricopa County residents has some valuable tips:
Get rid of standing water to get rid of mosquitoes.
Inspect your home’s exterior and property to get rid of mosquitoes.
As much as you may dislike the idea of toxic chemicals, especially wearing them, you should use insect repellent during our monsoon season. The most effective mosquito repellents contain:
To protect yourself and your home’s interior, avoid active mosquito times and block possible entry and exit points.
If you have a mosquito problem, call Budget Brothers Termite & Pest Elimination and let’s discuss your options. Soon, Monsoon 2021 will be history. For now, our priority is protecting your safety and health by quick elimination of mosquitoes in your yard and home. Contact us for more information.
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