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The best home termite protection starts with an inspection

March 15th, 2020

The best home termite protection starts with an inspection

It’s understandable to want to stop termite damage before it begins. But paying for an unnecessary termite treatment can waste hundreds of dollars. If you want home termite protection, you need to know what to look for and when to call the professionals.

What to Know About Home Termite Protection

In Arizona, it’s not a question of “if” you’ll get termites. It’s “when.” – Jeff Miklus

Termites are Arizona’s number-one urban pest. The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension department encourages homeowners to learn about termites. The key to termite management is being able to identify them.

For example, winged ants are sometimes mistaken for winged termites. Homeowners should study insects’ differences before assuming they have a termite problem.

One rule of thumb says when termites are swarming (flying and mating), there’s trouble ahead, especially if they’re in your yard. “Winged termites are the insect equivalent of having a black cat cross your path,” says Aussie pest professional Zona Tan-Sheppard.

Arizona Termite Types

There are 2 types of termites that cause the most problems in Arizona:

Drywood – Extracting moisture from air and damp wood enable these termites to live inside dry wood; hence the name. In addition to our rainy season, drywood termites can also swarm in spring and fall.

Subterranean – These termites attack various types of wood but prefer utility poles, posts, and timbers. They tend to swarm (mate) during our monsoon season (July-September).

You Might Have a Termite Problem if…

Knowing some of the warning signs can help you identify the potential for a termite infestation. You might have a termite problem if…

  • Hollow wood is discovered – Drywood termites literally eat themselves out of house and home. If undetected too long, that’s what they’ll do to your home. If you suspect a Drywood termite infestation, use a screwdriver to tap the area every 3-4″. It will sound hollow or in extreme cases, your gentle tapping can crack the wall.
  • Mud tubes appear alongside your foundation, on ceilings, or walls – Mud tubes look like small lines of mud and they are one way termites travel.
  • They are swarming in your yard – Again, that’s the biggest clue you have or are about to have a termite problem.
  • You find dead termites – Termite bodies or their wings may be found near heating/cooling vents or moisture-prone areas, like sinks or tubs.
  • There are small sawdust-like piles near cracks in your home or commercial property – This residue is called “frass” and it’s what termites leave behind.
  • You see them – Many insects are nocturnal, but not Subterranean termites. The light near doors, vents, and light fixtures attracts them.
  • Your neighbor has a termite infestation – Termites are equal opportunity insects. They happily travel throughout neighborhoods and urban areas.

When to Call the Professionals

If you see any termite warning signs or are unsure you need termite treatment, seek professional pest elimination. The best home termite protection begins with an inspection. 

Schedule your termite inspection today. We’ll give you our honest opinion and knowledgeable recommendation. If pest elimination is required, we will work within your budget and timeframe.

Budget Brothers Termite & Pest Elimination has protected Phoenix-area homes for over 25 years. Our residential and commercial clients know we offer fast, affordable service that is safe for families, pets, and our planet. Contact us to learn more.

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