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What should you do if you find bed bugs in your suitcase?

October 24th, 2018

What should you do if you find bed bugs in your suitcase?

After a relaxing vacation, one of the biggest nightmares is to open up your suitcase and find bed bugs crawling around! Not only can this be a scary moment, but it can also be pretty gross. Bed bugs can hitch a ride from almost anywhere – the hotel, the airplane’s cargo storage, or even a comfortable restaurant chair.

If you realize you brought an unwanted souvenir back with you after traveling, don’t freak out just yet. Here are a few things you can do if you find bed bugs in your suitcase.

Minimize Exposure

If you notice bed bugs, the first thing you want to do is immediately minimize their exposure to your home. It’s a lot easier to deal with one suitcase crawling with bugs than it will be to take care of an entire house. If you find bed bugs in your suitcase:

  1. Place all of the clothing from your trip into sealed plastic bags.
  2. Wash your clothes using the highest heat setting possible. Pay attention to washing instruction on clothing to avoid damaging the fabric.
  3. Dry your clothes on the highest heat setting for at least 15 minutes. Again, read the label to avoid ruining your clothes.
  4. Place clean clothes into a sealed bag until you’re sure any other bed bugs are contained.

Since bed bugs die when the temperature reaches between 117 and 122 degrees, this process should kill any that are stuck to your clothing. While you’re running your laundry machines, it’s time to call the professionals and schedule a bed bug inspection. If you’re renting, alert your landlord immediately.

What to Do with Your Luggage

Bed bugs can be pretty sneaky and are sometimes tough to spot. Chances are it isn’t just your clothing that has bedbugs; your suitcase probably does, too. Even if you do a quick check and don’t find bed bugs crawling on or in your suitcase, it’s still a good idea to do the following steps:

  1. Vacuum your luggage inside and outside. This includes pockets, seams, crevices, and anywhere else a tiny bug would like to hide.
  2. Empty your vacuum into a bag and immediately take it outside to your garbage bin.
  3. Scrub your suitcase with hot soapy water and a hard brush.
  4. Place your suitcase in a large plastic bag and seal it. Minimize your home’s exposure to bed bugs by storing it outside the house until your certified technician inspects it.

Unfortunately, if you find bed bugs in your suitcase, there’s a chance that a few of them escaped and might be in your home. After minimizing your home’s exposure by dealing with your laundry and luggage, it’s time to schedule an inspection. Budget Brothers uses state of the art electronic detectors and certified technicians who know exactly what to look for and where to look. Call Budget Brothers at the first sign of bed bugs.

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