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What to Do About a Pigeon Infestation

September 21st, 2022

swarm of pigeons on the property of a phoenix homeowner. this image is used to illustrate how pigeons can be damaging to your property by eating plants and leaving disease filled waste around the property. call budget brothers termite and pest elimination for the best pigeon removal service in phoenix

Are you experiencing a pigeon problem? Handling these pesky birds alone can be a daunting task. Pigeons are highly adaptable and intelligent creatures that never forget their nests, perches, or food sources. They also breed often and can become a menace to people living close to their roosting sites. 

A pigeon infestation can devastate your property and lifestyle, necessitating expert pigeon removal and cleanup. Here is further insight on the dangers of a pigeon invasion, early warning signs, and how to manage the pigeon nuisance.

The Dangers of a Pigeon Infestation

When left unchecked, a large pigeon population around your home can result in serious health risk and property damage. 

Disease Carriers 

Pigeons harbor several infectious diseases in the form of bacteria and fungi. They are the ideal disease carrier, with the capacity to travel long distances frequently. 

A few common examples of the infectious diseases feral pigeons spread include:

  • Histoplasmosis
  • Psittacosis
  • Ornithosis
  • Tuberculosis

You can get these pigeon-related diseases through direct or indirect bird contact. The inhalation of spores from dried feces is another common route of spread. These bacterial particles and fungal spores easily get airborne with a bit of wind agitation. Once inhaled, the pathogens find optimal conditions in your lungs to grow and manifest as diseases. Alternatively, you can ingest the microbes by consuming contaminated food or water. 

Property Damage 

Pigeons also cause severe damage to your outdoor living space and building. These pest birds can opt to build nests for baby pigeons in gutters instead of trees. The intelligent birds use straws, leaves, feathers, and other debris in building their nests. The material can easily clog up your drainage when it rains, resulting in extensive water pooling and damage.

In addition, pigeon droppings are highly corrosive and can physically damage your property. The acid eats away at roof material, especially tar-based roofs. This action significantly shortens your roof’s lifespan. You might start noticing leaks during heavy rainfall. The droppings also corrode away your house’s exterior paint, leaving unsightly white streaks on the walls and road.

Common Parasites 

You can find ticks, fleas, mites, and other pests hidden away in the feathers of invading pigeons. These parasites can inadvertently access your home and latch on to you or your house pet. The biting parasites often cause skin irritation, itchiness, discomfort, and overall health risks. The ectoparasites can also spread harmful diseases to you and your pet. 

How to Recognize a Pigeon Infestation

Early detection of a pigeon problem helps reduce the risk of pigeon-associated diseases and property damage. 

Signs of a Pigeon Infestation

A few key features to be on the lookout for include:

  • Birds. Regularly sighting a flock of 20 to 30 pigeons around your home points to a bird invasion. With sufficient food and the absence of a deterrent, you may end up with an exploding bird population on your hands. Pigeons have a highly adaptable appetite and can eat virtually anything edible tossed in the trash. 

Also, parent pigeons breed rapidly throughout the year, contributing to their constantly growing numbers. You can spot these birds perching on ledges, roofs, and trees, scanning the area for potential food, water, and mates. Bird nests also help you estimate the number of pigeons residing within your locality.

  • Bird noises. In an infestation, you may notice pigeon coos. Pigeons produce this sound to communicate with each other. The chicks are especially noisy since they constantly need their parents to provide food. Pigeons also make annoying noises when landing on rooftops, clapping their wings during take-off, and rummaging through trash cans for food. 
  • Bird droppings. You may notice accumulated bird droppings below roosting and nesting areas. Pigeons prefer to roost and nest in flat, high places, well protected from the wind, rain, and potential predators. Structures offering these protective features include covered ledges, under bridges, and steeples. Carefully inspecting these areas may reveal concentrated pigeon droppings that hint at an infestation.

Pigeon Removal and Cleanup: How to Handle a Pigeon Infestation

Pigeon infestations need immediate attention to prevent the bird population from getting out of hand. You may try removing pigeons by chasing away the birds away, but this often proves to be a futile attempt. Killing pigeons off via food poisoning or pigeon birth control may seem like a wise option. However, it is a short-term solution that can trigger a massive bird repopulation. 

You can first try controlling the pigeon menace by making your home less hospitable. Homeowners often overlook trash bins as potential food sources for pigeons. You can make these dumping sites inaccessible to prevent pigeons from feeding off your edible waste. 

Since pigeons tend to perch on flat surfaces, you can create angled ledges to discourage pigeons roosting. Alternatively, you can use metal or plastic spikes to set up a natural barrier against pigeon nests. Also, consider installing commercial-grade bird netting, which is an excellent long-term deterrent for nesting sites. These structural interventions are challenging to implement without professional help. 

Budget Brothers Pigeon Removal

While DIY pigeon pest control methods are cost-efficient, they are often ineffective. The mess the pigeons leave after invading can also be quite extensive. Avoid the hassle and health hazards by hiring better-equipped experts like Budget Brothers for efficient pigeon removal and cleanup. 

Contact us today to leverage our professional pigeon removal services. 

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