May 29th, 2021
Are you one of those people that mosquitos drive crazy while everyone else is safe? It’s a combination of things, but it’s true: Some people are bug magnets. But the claim that bed bugs only bite one person is a myth. Bed bugs are equal opportunity biters.
If bed bugs only bite one person, it’s because they only had one person available. What happens is, bed bugs bite anyone they can find because they need blood to survive. But only half the people bitten react to the bites.
The reaction of people to bed bug bites is different. Histamine is the body’s natural response to toxicity. Some of us don’t react to bed bug bites even though we may have as many or even more bites than another family member.
While you’re covered in welts, others may appear to be bite-free. It’s not that bed bugs only bite one person. It’s that people respond to the bites differently.
If two of you have bites but one more than the other, it could be because one of you had more exposed skin. It might be because one of you was wearing lotions or oils that acted as a repellant. And while bed bugs likely have blood-type preferences, for them it’s any port in a storm.
Here are 10 bed bug myths:
Non-chemical, non-toxic heat solutions have proven the safest and most effective way to eliminate bed bug infestations. Your Budget Brothers Termite & Pest Elimination pros will use special equipment to gradually increase the temperature to 120° while circulating the hot air.
This destroys eggs as well as adults. It takes about an hour to destroy the eggs, but adults and nymphs succumb within about 15 minutes. One treatment is usually all you need.
Like you, we continue to learn about Arizona pests, infestations, and safer ways to eliminate pest problems. Our technicians receive ongoing training, so we’re up-to-date on the latest technologies and industry advancements.
We have a lot of respect for DIY (do-it-yourself) homeowners, but the best homeowners know when to contact a professional. Call Budget Brothers Termite and Pest Elimination to learn more.
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