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How long do scorpions live?

Bark scorpions live 5-7 years.

What are some other facts about scorpions?

Scorpions give birth to 25-35 baby scorpions.

Smaller scorpions are more likely to sting.

Scorpions like beds because they often seek the shelter of bedding. 

Bark Scorpions love to climb and can climb clothes, blankets, sheets, etc. from the floor into bed.

How fast is a scorpion?

Scorpions can move at a speed of 12 mph, which makes it easy for them to scurry away from attacks.

Can scorpions survive being frozen?

You can even freeze a scorpion and it won’t die! Some scientists have frozen scorpions just to watch them start moving and walking away after they thawed.

How long can a scorpion survive underwater?

Scorpions can survive over 48 hours underwater.

Do scorpions sting pets?

Yes, as the venom circulates through their body, you may begin to see dilated and watery eyes, drooling, trembling or tremors, difficulty breathing, and even collapse. If you see any of these signs or you suspect your pet was stung by a scorpion, you should seek veterinary attention immediately.

What do you do if your child gets stung by a scorpion?

Get immediate medical care for a child stung by a scorpion. Call your local poison control center for advice if you’re concerned about a scorpion sting. To reach a poison control center in the United States, call Poison Help at 800-222-1222

Do home seals work for scorpions?

No. You will be throwing money away because home seals don’t keep scorpions off your home.

What is the only permanent solution to keeping scorpions off and out of your home and making sure your family and pets are safe?

Budget Brothers Scorpion Repel
Learn more at www.keepscorpionsaway.com