Pigeons can be charming. They coo and waddle in front of park benches where seniors and children toss pieces of corn or seeds. Every city has pigeons. They like to live in big cities because high-rise and stone buildings are like the rock-hard cliffs where they once dwelled.
A “pest” is any creature that is detrimental to our lives as humans. Pigeons are pests. Many people call pigeons “rats with wings” which seems a bit harsh. But pigeons scavenge, destroy property, and spread disease. They also poop on every statue in town.
Businesses and downtown property owners often request professional pigeon removal in Phoenix.
Why We Need Pigeon Removal in Phoenix
Pigeons aren’t all that charming. They are invasive and downright bullies at bird feeders. With no regard for our ecosystem, pigeons stomp on flowers and plants. Sometimes they intentionally destroy gardens and flowerbeds.
We need pigeon removal in Phoenix because pigeons:
- Are a health risk – Pigeons haul trash scraps to build nests, dropping contaminated materials along the way. Then they seal their nests with sticky dung, making the nests toxic and difficult to remove. One pigeon generates 25 pounds of waste in a year. It only takes 80 pigeons to generate a ton of waste. The droppings can spread bacteria and diseases like:
- Cryptococcosis Meningitis
- E.coli
- Histoplasmosis
- Listeria
- Psittacosis
- Salmonella
- …and more.
- Cause damage – Pigeon poop is very acidic. Their waste is corrosive and damages many building materials, paint, and even concrete. One particular problem is when pigeon poop clogs drains and put an excessive weight load on roofing.
- Cost – Pigeons require professional clean-up and removal. Commercial property owners often have a regular maintenance agreement with a pest control company the same way homeowners schedule other types of pest control. Pigeons cause about $1.1 billion/year in environmental and property damage. Prevention and professional droppings clean-up are worth it.
Preventive Measures You Can Take
Pigeon clean-up is so dangerous very few people will attempt it. Deaths from pigeon feces are rare but they do occur. Extreme illness is not uncommon. Your pest professionals will take precautions to protect themselves and you.
There are steps you can take to prevent a pigeon problem:
- Keep lids tight on trash containers.
- Pigeon-proof your building.
- Install steel prongs, bird spikes, or porcupine wire atop surfaces
- Place netting or screens over vents/openings.
- Place bird feeders/birdbaths away from home/building.
- Remove backyard barbecue cooking utensils and dishes as soon as possible.
How We Manage a Pigeon or Bird Problem in Phoenix, AZ
It’s not recommended you try to trap/remove pigeons from your property. It’s a complicated process and can be dangerous. Local regulations govern trapping, disposing, and pigeon release. Even pigeon repellents must be selected based on toxicity and risk to humans and pets.
Here’s our process for pigeon removal in Phoenix, Scottsdale, and The Valley:
- Cleanup – We first remove nests and bird debris/droppings.
- Customize protective devices – We assess the target areas and create a solution. A large commercial AC unit may need a stealth net/canopy to allow ventilation and service access but prevent pigeons. We have several visual deterrents (reflective, optical gel discs, etc.)
- Locate common roosting sites – Eaves, window ledges… we examine the area and customize a solution for each site. Bird spikes and tension wires are ways to prevent pigeons from landing and roosting.
- Protect solar panels – Pigeons can quickly damage solar panels, so pigeon-proofing them is a good idea.
Quotes are free. If you need pigeon removal in Phoenix, it’s best to contact Budget Brothers Termite & Pest Elimination.