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How to get rid of bees and wasps around a pool

April 30th, 2019

How to get rid of bees and wasps around a pool

Bees and wasps often fly near pools. For Phoenix homeowners, this can make swimming an uncomfortable experience. You don’t want to spend pool parties worrying about being stung by a wasp or bee. Knowing how to get rid of bees and wasps can help ensure that you’re able to enjoy swimming all summer long.

Why Bees and Wasps Hang Around Pools

Bees fly toward pools for a few different reasons. They use pool water for drinking and to help keep their hives cool in the hot summer weather. These insects make honey thinner with water in order to provide their offspring with food. Wasps sometimes wander near pool areas for water as well.

While pools can serve as enticing places for bees and wasps, you can take steps to change this. Keep the following information in mind this summer to eliminate these stinging bugs.

Keeping Bees Away from Pools

Bees avoid going to areas that have certain scents. Finding ways to include one or more of these odors around your pool can help deter them from coming by. A few ideas for you to consider are applying essential oils in scents that bees don’t like, such as thyme, around your pool or growing mint and lemongrass plants in the area. Bees avoid the smell of mothballs as well. Placing mothballs in nylon stockings and hanging them near your pool can help repel bees.

Another tactic to consider involves making a different part of your yard more attractive to bees. This can cause them to seek out this area rather than your pool. Consider putting in another source of water for bees, such as a birdbath, that’s away from the pool. Planting flowers that attract bees farther away from your pool can help keep them from bothering you while you’re swimming.

Keeping Wasps Away from Pools

You can repel wasps from your pool area in different ways. Some ideas include putting decoy wasp nests close to your pool or growing plants that act as natural wasp repellants, such as spearmint and eucalyptus. Essential oils, such as peppermint oil, keep wasps away as well.

Other ways to keep wasps away from your pool involve getting them to go somewhere else instead. Hanging up small strips of raw meat in a different part of your yard can draw wasps to this area rather than your pool.

Get Rid of Bees and Wasps the Professional Way

Should you keep trying to get rid of bees and wasps on your own if your home remedies don’t work?

Since this involves eliminating their nests, you should have this done by the professionals at Budget Brothers Termite & Pest Elimination. Bees and wasps can become highly aggressive when you disturb their nest or hive. Attempting to remove them on your own puts you and your family at a high risk of being stung.

Home remedies to keep stinging insects away from pools help to some extent. However, they don’t provide you with foolproof ways to get rid of bees and wasps. Instead, let the pest control experts from Budget Brothers Termite and Pest Elimination handle these pests. Our team uses effective methods to lower your risk of having these pests near your pool. This way, you and your family can swim without having to keep looking out for wasps and bees.

If wasps and bees bother you while you’re swimming, contact Budget Brothers Termite and Pest Elimination today.

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