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Are You Insulated Against Termites?

July 7th, 2016

a man replacing insulation that was infested by termites with fiberglass insulation. used to show how termites love to use your insulation to hide in your phoenix home and protect themselves. call budget brothers termite and pest elimination for help with your termites.
a man replacing insulation that was infested by termites with fiberglass insulation. used to show how termites love to use your insulation to hide in your phoenix home and protect themselves. call budget brothers termite and pest elimination for help with your termites.

Replacing insulation in a Phoenix home damaged by termite infestation.

Termites, like every living thing, are looking for a comfortable place in Phoenix to call home. They just happen to make their home in yours.

They infest not only wood but the insulation as well. Specifically spray foam insulation because it provides easy tunneling access to wood beams in your attic and walls. So what’s an average homeowner to do?

Why Termites Choose Insulation

Termites only live in insulation, preferring the taste of your wood structure. The insulation provides a decent home with protection from predators, moisture retention, and a constant temperature.

Termites enter from the ground floor, and begin to make their home there.

The only way it can be used is if there is a physical barrier to protect the foam board or if the foam board being used has been treated.

Avoiding Termites While Staying Insulated

In Arizona, insulation is a key component in keeping cooling costs low; account for bugs as you shop for insulation.

Out of your choices for bug-free-insulation fiberglass is the best option, or protecting foam with the barrier method as prescribed by the International Residential Code.

Just be aware that, once infested, the foam cannot be treated and will need to be removed and replaced. You could be looking at a hefty repair bill, especially if the termites have made their way into the wood structure.

Plan for Termite Inspections

If you’re in the market to buy a new home in Phoenix, insist on a termite inspection. Don’t allow it to be skipped by the property inspector.

If you already own a home, it is a good idea to get a termite inspection if you think you may have signs of an infestation. Prevention or early knowledge will help you save a lot of money should termites be discovered in your home.


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