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Pest Infestations During the Fall

October 2nd, 2019

Pest Infestations During the Fall

Pest infestations are common here in Arizona during the fall. Now that the heat of summer is beginning to cool, many local pests are becoming more active. That means that they can start finding their way into your home. As the weather continues to get colder, they’ll come inside seeking warmth and food, so it is important to keep watch for common pests. Here are five common pest infestations homeowners often see during the fall and how you can prevent them. 

Spider Pest Infestations

From harmless house spiders to dangerous black widows and brown recluses, there are many species of spider that call Arizona home. As the weather cools, these critters may have more difficulty finding food sources out in the wild, leading them to make their way indoors. While many of them are more a nuisance than anything else, several species can be harmful to humans, so it is best to keep spiders out of your home. Having your home treated regularly can help to keep them at bay by eliminating food sources for them within your house. 


Cockroaches are also common in Arizona, and these pest infestations can bring bacteria and other health hazards along with them. While not particularly dangerous in and of themselves, cockroaches can pose a threat when they congregate in large numbers, as they track bacteria and pathogens into your home. They tend to prefer damp, dark areas, especially those with rotting or decaying organic matter, so do your best to keep your yard free of piles of leaves and other garden debris. If you spot a few inside, you likely have an infestation on your hands, so call your pest control specialist right away. 


Scorpion stings can be incredibly painful and can cause severe reactions in some people. Although most healthy adults will be fine in a day or two if stung, children, the elderly and pets are often more susceptible to complications. Scorpions tend to stay hidden during the day, coming out at night to look for food, so this is when you’ll see them most often. They are usually solitary creatures, so pest infestations of this kind are rare, but even one scorpion can be dangerous to you and your loved ones. Keep your yard tidy to minimize hiding places for them, and seal off any small holes, particularly around doors and windows to keep them out. 


As it gets colder outside, mice, rats, and other small rodents enter homes to find warm places to nest. Once inside, they don’t like to leave, even when the weather warms up again in the spring. Rodents reproduce at an alarming rate, so call your pest removal expert immediately if you spot one. Pest infestations involving rodents can grow rapidly, posing a health risk to your family. Rodents also often use insulation materials for nesting and can chew through electrical wires, making them risky for your home as well. 

Moth Pest Infestations

While moths generally aren’t particularly dangerous to people, they can cause serious damage to your clothing, books, furniture and other items made from natural materials. Not only that but their larvae, known as leaf skeletonizers, can wreak havoc on the plants in your yard. Regular treatments from your pest control company can help to prevent pest infestations of this type. Keep your doors and windows closed in the evenings, or use secure screens, as moths are drawn to the light coming from inside. 

Get Help with Pest Infestations 

For help with these and many other pest infestations in Arizona, you can count on Budget Brothers Termite & Pest Elimination. We are familiar with all of the common pests that live in the local area, and we know just how to deal with them. Get in touch with us today to schedule a pest inspection

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