October 17th, 2022
Among the various pests that homeowners contend with, ticks and bed bugs are some of the most unsettling. While these unwelcome critters may resemble one another, it’s important to know the differences between them to identify and address the problem. Read on to learn more about the defining characteristics of both these insects.
The easiest way to know the difference between a bed bug and a tick is to examine the physical difference between them. At a glance, these insects may appear quite similar, but it’s fairly easy to spot the physical variations once you know what to look for. The following chart outlines these differences in appearance between ticks and bed bugs:
It may be difficult to, say, count the difference between eight legs and six legs but these differences are still worth noting. Aside from these physical characteristics, there are a few additional differences worth mentioning. For one thing, the abdomen of ticks tends to have a two-tone appearance, with the area closer to the neck being a different color than the rest of the body. Meanwhile, bed bugs are often more uniform in color and have a segmented body that looks quite different from the smoother body of a tick. Remember, it’s never a good idea to touch a tick or bed bug when it’s discovered.
Bed bugs have roamed the earth for thousands of years and exist today in virtually any temperate part of the world populated by humans. As their name suggests, bed bugs prefer to live close to humans and will often hide among cracks, crevices, couch cushions, bedding, or other hiding places near where people sleep. Due to their uncanny ability to remain undetected, it can be difficult to spot where these blood sucking pests are hiding.
Unlike bed bugs, ticks are mostly relegated to heavily wooded areas. Tick populations tend to explode in the autumn months as the forest floor becomes crowded with dead leaves. Ticks will often hide under these leaves until they come into contact with a passing animal or human. For this reason, it’s always advisable for people trekking through overgrown areas to check their bodies for ticks before returning home.
Once these insects enter the climate-controlled environment of a modern home, they can multiply rapidly. Female ticks are capable of laying thousands of eggs at a time, while bed bugs can produce up to 7 eggs after every blood meal they consume. Given time, these pests can quickly spread and become a major headache for homeowners.
Although both bedbugs and ticks consume blood, they tend to go about it in different ways. For one thing, ticks are primarily diurnal insects, meaning ticks prefer feeding during the day. In contrast, bed bugs prefer feeding almost exclusively at night when people are asleep. Since most people aren’t awake when bed bugs are active, they’re often much more difficult to detect. Ticks are far more ambitious. They simply seek out an open patch of skin and attach themselves to the host, seemingly indifferent about being detected.
Aside from being a mere inconvenience, bed bugs and ticks can present several health risks to you and your loved ones. If you happen to see one of these insects in your home, it’s critical to take action quickly. Here is some additional information on the threat these insects pose to your household.
The most obvious concern about these insects is their tendency to bite humans. With a tick bite, the insect will latch onto the host and remain stationary until it’s detected and removed. Tick bites tend to leave behind a reddish, circular mark on the skin. Bed bug bites appear more like a rash and can feel quite itchy.
Although bed bugs are not known to spread disease, the same cannot be said for ticks. Tick bites are capable of transmitting no less than 16 different diseases to humans, including Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Some of these diseases can be quite serious, and some of these conditions have no known cure.
Most people don’t realize they’ve been bit by a bed bug until they wake up. Bed bugs tend to feed once every 7 to 10 days on average. For some people, their bites create irritating rashes on the skin, but some people may not exhibit any symptoms at all.
If you have discovered bed bugs or ticks in your home, it’s important to take action right away. At Budget Brothers, our team has the knowledge and experience needed to stop to your pest problems fast. From ticks and bedbugs to termites or bees, you can rely on us to remove these unwelcome guests from your property. Contact us at Budget Brothers Termite to receive your free estimate.
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