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The best way to keep scorpions away

September 8th, 2021

The best way to keep scorpions away

There are plenty of ways to keep scorpions away from your home, kids, pets, and your life. Some of them work well and some of them don’t work at all and none of them are permanent solutions.

If you live in Arizona, you have a pesticide company treat for termites and scorpions. It’s simply what we do. Arizona has the highest concentration of scorpions of any state in the country.

Budget Brothers Termite & Pest Elimination continues to provide monthly and quarterly pest control services. We strive to keep scorpions away and prevent termites from homes and businesses. But now there’s something much, much better. And it’s a one-time service that will keep scorpions away forever.


In Arizona (and in football), the best defense is a good offense. You must have professional scorpion treatment. But there’s a lot to be said for DIY (do-it-yourself) ways to repel scorpions. Good housekeeping and pride of ownership can help:

  1. Caulk holes and cracks in your walls, baseboards, and foundation.
  2. Dampen small burlap bags and place them in strategic areas. The next day, carefully check the bags. (See: scorpion safari).
  3. De-clutter your yard.
  4. Eliminate moisture. Scorpions are attracted to puddles and dampness. Dump the kiddie pool when not in use and eliminate drips inside and out.
  5. Get a chicken. Chickens like eating scorpions. Cats do too, but we tend to feel worse about scorpions stinging our cats than we do about chickens.
  6. Get rid of woodpiles or rocks.
  7. Keep the bug population down. Scorpions seek meals, so don’t make your home their restaurant. Easy insect prevention tips are:
  8. Organize bedrooms. Scorpions like dark piles of clothing on closet floors, shoes, etc.
  9. Place sticky traps all over. If you have children or pets, use non-toxic strips/traps.
  10. Put weatherstripping around doors, windows, etc.
  11. Remove clutter in and around your home.
  12. Schedule a scorpion safari. Armed with a can of spray, inspect likely scorpion sites, and zap them. Kids enjoy this. If the spray is toxic, clean the area immediately after use.
  13. Sprinkle cinnamon, lavender oils, cedar, and peppermint throughout your home. This seldom works but it smells nice and won’t harm kids or pets.
  14. Throw cardboard boxes out but if you keep them, don’t store them on floors.
  15. Trim back bushes, vines, and foliage to minimize scorpions’ ground shelter.
  16. Use door seals to keep scorpions outside.

These methods may work temporarily or not at all. Most of them are common sense and some of them are just plain silly. None of them keep scorpions away.


“Forever” is a long time and it will almost be a relief when we discover the Budget Brothers Scorpion Repel treatment “only” lasts 30 years. Or forty or 50. Meanwhile, we guarantee it will keep scorpions away for a minimum of 5 years.

It’s not an easy solution for us (It’s a lot like work). But it’s the most cost-effective way to prevent scorpions from entering your home. And once we’re finished, so are you. You’ll never play host to scorpions again.

To learn more about this one-of-a-kind scorpion prevention, check out our YouTube videos. Or contact your local Budget Brothers Termite & Pest professional. We’re eager to explain this revolutionary scorpion prevention process that works. It really works.

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